The Honley Village Community Trust has several objectives, which can include:
- To promote community development and social welfare within Honley Village and its surrounding areas.
- To provide facilities and opportunities for community members to participate in cultural and recreational activities.
- To work towards the preservation and enhancement of the local environment, heritage, and natural resources.
- To support and facilitate local economic development initiatives that benefit the community.
- To provide information and advice to individuals and groups within the community on matters of community interest and concern.
- To collaborate with other organisations and groups in the community to achieve common objectives.
- To encourage community members to volunteer and get involved in community-based activities.
- To promote inclusivity and diversity within the community and to celebrate the cultural and social richness of Honley Village.
These objectives are achieved through various initiatives and programs, such as community events, workshops, training programs, environmental and heritage preservation projects, and economic development initiatives. The Trust also works in collaboration with other organisations and local government bodies to achieve its objectives.